Overall, how satisfied are you with the course you just completed? *Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedWhat was your main goal in taking this course? *To what extent did the course meet your expectations? *Exceeded expectationsMet expectationsSlightly below expectationsDid not meet expectations at allHow would you rate the quality of the course materials (e.g., readings, videos, assignments)? *ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery PoorHow effectively did the instructor communicate the subject matter? *Extremely effectivelyVery effectivelyModerately effectivelySlightly effectivelyNot at all effectivelyWas the course organized in a way that made learning easy for you? *Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagreeWhat did you like most about the course? *What did you like least about the course? *How likely are you to recommend this course to others? *Very likelyLikelyNeutralUnlikelyVery unlikelyDo you feel the duration of the course was appropriate for the content covered? *Much too longSlightly too longJust rightSlightly too shortMuch too shortWhat improvements would you suggest for this course? *Any additional comments or suggestions?Submit Survey!